The Usticks: Saturday Night is Pizza Night

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Night is Pizza Night

Brent decided he wanted to make deep dish pizza tonight for dinner. Who was I to object to this yummy-ness? We didn't really have a recipe to go off of except for a dough recipe in the bread machine. Let me tell you- It turned out SO good! Wow... Brent is officially the pizza maker in this house. We had a little extra pizza dough, so we also whipped up some garlic bread bites. Oh, and Avery turned 7 months old today!

Here's Avery showing off her skills... she can play AND yawn at the same time

Our little Patriots fan has to stay warm in this cold weather! (Hehe.. I know what you're thinking Krista, it's definitely summer here compared to you guys in North Dakota! ;-)


The Brooks Family said...

Liz in long sleeves?! Man, you know it's cold then! I think it's been colder there than here the past few days. Sure glad to share the wealth! It's so rare that it warms up to 30 in the dead of winter, so it was a welcome break.

Avery is an excellent multi-tasker, a necessary skill to master when you're a girl :-) Will you send me the recipe for the pizza dough? Your mac n cheese is H's favorite, hands down - he loves the crunchy bread crumbs on top.

Les said...

Haha Brent is funny. And Avery looks so cute in the hat... happy 7 mo. Sophia got a third tooth on the bottom last night :)